Brand Wings

Blog by Jason Kammes

What's the hidden cost of poor sales productivity? 

07.06.21 03:08 PM By Jason Kammes - Comment(s)
What's the hidden cost of poor sales productivity? 

Forbes reports that, on average, sales reps spend only 35% of their workday on selling activities. The other 65% includes activities that are manual, repetitive, and of low value. For decades, sales managers and their reps have tried to find ways to improve sales productivity through t...

Better insights + better forecasting = more sales

06.29.21 08:48 PM By Jason Kammes - Comment(s)
Better insights + better forecasting = more sales

A sales VP with a distributed sales channel has a hard job, made harder by the task of forecasting. Whether there are 50 dealers or 500 agents, getting visibility into funnel quality is tough. Sales pipeline analytics are needed to provide insights for production and supply chain scheduling. 


Suppliers win by building channel mindshare

06.24.21 12:50 PM By Jason Kammes - Comment(s)
Suppliers win by building channel mindshare

Meet Dan, an independent sales agent who buys products from dozens of suppliers across the country and sells them to businesses in his area. Many of Dan’s suppliers compete with similar products in the same category. Some make it easier to do business with than others. 


For his sales...

Are Companies with Consistent Branding More Successful?

06.15.21 12:53 PM By Jason Kammes - Comment(s)
Are Companies with Consistent Branding More Successful?

McKinsey & Company reports B2B companies with highly consistent branding are 20% more successful than those that are weak or inconsistent.    


Great. Except that less than 10% of brands actually believe their representation in the market is very consist...

Inconsistent Branding Costs Brands Money

06.01.21 12:49 PM By Jason Kammes - Comment(s)
Inconsistent Branding Costs Brands Money

When your brand delivers the same look and feel from one customer encounter to another, that consistency builds credibility. Customers gain more trust with each new consistently satisfying experience. 


Alternatively, when your brand is inconsistently delivered in the market, some of your b...

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